CNHF awarded four Community Health Center Quality Recognition (CHQR) Badges for 2020-21

May 31, 2021

CNHF awarded four Community Health Center Quality Recognition (CHQR) Badges for 2020-21

May 31, 2021

Badge #1: Advancing Health Information Technology (HIT) for Quality: Recognizes health centers that meet all criteria to optimize HIT services that advance telehealth, patient engagement, interoperability, and collection of social determinants of health to increase access to care and advance quality of care.

Badge #2: COVID-19 Testing: Recognizes health centers that tested more than 50% of their 2020 reported UDS patient populations from April 10, 2020, to July 2, 2021, and have a response rate of at least 50% to the weekly Health Center COVID-19 Survey.

Badge #3: COVID-19 Vaccinations: Recognizes health centers that administered vaccines to more than 70% of their 2020 reported UDS patient populations from April 10 to July 2, 2021, and have a response rate of at least 50% to the weekly Health Center COVID-19 Survey.

Badge #4: Patient-Centered Medical Home Recognition (PCMH): Recognizes health centers with PCMH recognition in one or more delivery sites.

For more information regarding CNHF's UDS and CHQR Badges, please visit:

Let's connect!

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