A Health Home Program or "HHP" is a program designed to serve Medi-Cal beneficiaries with complex medical needs and chronic conditions who may benefit from enhanced care management and coordination. The HHP coordinates the full range of physical health, behavioral health, and community-based long-term services and supports (LTSS) needed by eligible beneficiaries.
The HHP provides six core services:
What will you gain as a member of the HHP?
You will have a personalized care team – including a Care Coordinator – that works together to help you get the care you need.
Your care team and Care Coordinator will work with you to develop an individualized Health Action Plan (HAP). A HAP will help you to meet your goals and objectives in hopes of better overall health and wellness.
You receive extra services at no cost as part of your Medi-Cal benefits, including help with:
Who qualifies for the HHP?
To be eligible for HHP services, patients must meet the following requirements
For more general information regarding the Health Home Program, please view the following documents:
For more information regarding CNCHC's Health Home Program, please contact Amanda Granados: (213)-610-5131. Thank you!
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